Visa Consulting & Analytics

與 Visa Consulting & Analytics 合作以獲得可行的業務洞察見解、最新經濟趨勢,以及經證實有效的資料導向解決方案,從而拓展您的事業。

關於 Visa Consulting & Analytics

我們提供世界級支付諮詢與分析功能,推動 Visa 客戶的有形價值。

Chart depicting a drop, then upward trajectory.
A mobile device with a star on its screen next to a credit card with a star on it.
Two arrows connecting two people in a circular shape.
An icon of a lock as it represents Visa's strategy to make mobile payments secure.
A hand with its pointer finger pressing down on the screen of a mobile device.
A bar graph with four bars growing from small to large.





聯絡 Visa Consulting & Analytics

請聯絡您的 Visa 業務代表了解更多我們能夠協助的方法或發電郵給我們。